Monday, October 5, 2009

Twitter for Business: According to Dilbert and a New Application

(Click on cartoon to make it easier to read.)

A New Application

This cartoon leads to the new third party application for Twitter. Keep track of your boss with the first Twitter GPS. The Twitter Boss GPS gives you auto-updates on your Twitter account every 15 minutes letting you know exactly where your boss is located. Just input your boss's cell phone number and your Twitter account, and you are ready to go.

A great gift for a wife who wants to find out exactly why their husband is late from work (see David Letterman):-)

To get this free service or better yet, to find out how to use Twitter for your business, please contact me at

1 comment:

  1. nice blog!

    i found your blog through keyword "auto follow".

    im following you.. pls follow me back.
