Monday, September 21, 2009

3 Free Ways to Get Quality Followers: Not An Affiliate Post!

I know that I used the word "follower" in my tweet, so you may think this is one of those spam posts. It is not.

It is just the opposite. This is how to get quality followers for free.

There are Twitter rules to getting followers. You are free to follow up to 2,000 without any limitation. However, once you reach 2,000 people that you are following, you can only follow 10% more than the number of followers that already follow you. For example, if you have 3,000 followers, you can not follow more than 3,300 people on Twitter (10%) more. If you try to follow more people, the Twitter api will just make sure your click to follow won't work.


Blue Man GroupImage via Wikipedia

First, you need to understand that quality starts with understanding your keywords. What are keywords? Keywords are the text your customer would put into a Google search box to find products or services you provide.

For example, let's say you sell antique watches. Your customer may type in watches in Google search, but it may be better to narrow it down to antique watches.

If you are not sure what keywords to select, you can go to the Google Keyword Tool. This tool will help you identify your keywords.

Now that you have some keywords, you can begin to identify quality followers.

Second, in order to get followers you need to first do the following. The people you follow will decide if they want to follow you back.

Finally, you should follow both leaders in your industry and potential customers.

Here are 3 Free Ways to Get Quality Followers

1. Use Twitter Search

Put in the Twitter search bar one of your keywords. A list of Twitter users that have used your keyword in their tweet will appear.

Read the tweets and find one person that connects for you. Click on their name, and follow them.

But, don't leave them yet.

2. Use that Twitter User's Followers and Following

Once you have identified a follower, you may want to follow who they are following and/or the people who are following him. Again, followers tend to have shared interests. The easiest way to follow these people is click on the following or followers tab, and just follow people right on that page. It's that simple.

3. Use Twitter Directories

There are directors of users based on interest--which again, can be your keywords. My favorite is twellow. Find a category, select, and there will hundreds, if not thousands of users you can follow. Just go down the list and follow.

Another favorite of mine is wefollow.

I have not tried justtweetit. or many others. However, if you do a Google search on Twitter directories you will find a dozen or more Twitter directories to find people to follow.

There are additional free ways to add followers. But for now, this will keep you busy.

A Key Tip:

Don't forget to put those keywords in your Twitter bio and register with one or more directories. People want to find you--so it make it easy for them to do so.

If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks.

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