Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Twitter for Business: Here Are 10 Common Mistakes to Avoid

Here are 10 Common Mistakes That Business Should Avoid Making on Twitter

1. Thinking that Twitter is not right for them since it's not working.

To Da Max - Mistakes and Outtakes (1997-2004) ...Image via Wikipedia

It's not that Twitter is not right for them, it's that they are not using Twitter the right way.

2. Not setting up benchmarks before they start using Twitter.

3. Not measuring results in order to test and justify using Twitter

4. Not using Twitter to listen to what consumers have to say about their business.

5. Not using Twitter to listen to what consumers have to say about their competition.

6. Only using Twitter as a press release tool for company news.

7. Not engaging with consumers on Twitter.

8. Not using the opportunity to tailor their tweets to what is an effective message to the people they are engaging.

9. Not realizing that hundreds, if not thousands of consumers, listen and get influenced by their conversations on Twitter.

10. Not knowing how to streamline the use of Twitter in order to save their business time and money.

Are you using Twitter the right way?
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