Twitter Marketing Plan Template
Image by ATIS547 via Flickr
1. What is my business objective?The objective should be specific, meaningful and measurable.
2. What is my strategy to achieve this business objective?Describe how you plan on using Twitter.
3. What tactics do I need to follow through with this strategy?These include all the activities that you need to take including the third party applications that you will use in your Twitter marketing.
4. How will I measure results?Be specific on how results will be tracked and measured. Set up any benchmarks and be consistent with your measurement tools.
5. What other areas do I need to address to make my Twitter plan successful?This includes all things Twitter such as: who has access to the Twitter account, Company guidelines on what can be tweeted, how to tweet, how to streamline the process to save money, and more.
Sample Plan
Twitter Marketing Plan For Just Blue Stuff
1. What is the Just Blue Stuff business objective on Twitter?To increase sales of our Just Blue Stuff products over 25% in the first 3 months from using Twitter
2. What is the Just Blue Stuff strategy to achieve this business objective?To generate awareness, interest, positive-word-of mouth, advocates and ultimately sales for our Just Blue Stuff product line among Twitter users who follow us.
3. What tactics do we need to execute for this strategy? We need to set up an account on Twitter and attract followers. The ways we will attract followers include: Twitter search using our keywords, setting up an auto-follow/unfollow system based on keywords, and using Twitter directories to find followers based on our customer data on buyers of our products.
In addition, we will need to do the following:
A. Listen to what Twitter users are saying about our products
-Thanks consumers who like our products
-Answer questions posted by consumers
-Alleviate any customer issues by answering questions or comments in an appropriate way.
B. Listen to what Twitter users are saying about our competition
-Learn from the positive comments and try to induce unhappy users to try our products.
C. Broadcast product news and promotions
-We will track sales by offering a 10% discount when the user puts in “Twitter” in the bonus code on checkout.
-We will also test a Twitter bird promotion, where everyone who answers a few questions about our business, gets a Just Blue Stuff Twitter bird.
-We are also going to tweet and link to the content we have on our website that will be valuable to our followers, such as consumer testimonials, why blue is the “in” color, and all the ingenious ways our consumers are using our products.
D. Engage Twitter users
-We will follow best practices for using Twitter.
-We will obey Twitter etiquette.
-We will be friends to Twitter users and not hard sell our products.
4. How will we measure results?We are going to track sales using a code on check-out. In addition, we are going to use Google analytics to see if there is any increase in the number of visitors to our website.
5. What other areas do we need to address to make the Just Blue Stuff Twitter marketing plan successful?Since we do not have the time to figure all of this out and we are concerned about the time cost to get all of this done, we have hired Mitchell Cogert at
Contact him now at or call at 877-27-tweet. He provides a Twitter training and strategy workshop, and/or a customized Twitter marketing plan for your business, and/or his company can be your Twitter manager and they do just about all of the work for you.